Neptune’s Conception

rock and earth rising up, 

reaching into the expanding sky.

pure dynastic force and power, 

yet with subtle majesty, he abides.

swelling and breaking, she awakens, 

drawn by the pulse of the dark moon’s glow.

all swirling devotion toward his formation,

she beckons him into her fluid flow.

drawn together by the devas of color and light,

what stands and what swims are drawn into union.

passion erupts throughout the cold, bright night,

as elements surrender into the full melt of communion.

splashes of laughter, her waters catch fire,

currents boil and canyons break.

the stars above blush at the shameless desire,

as they thrust, heave, and unabashedly shake.

at once - movements slow, 

the dance dissolves, and the echoes fade.

only a whispered prayer of spherical bliss, 

upon the lips of space remains.


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